

  • 14
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 北京市 石景山区 北京市石景山区实兴大街
  • 姓名: 梁工
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 光学仪器 光度计
  • 发布日期:2017-11-23
  • 阅读量:128
  • 价格:99500.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:TDA-2I
  • 产品数量:15.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:北京石景山  
  • 关键词:ATITDA-2I,TDA-2I,美国ATITDA-2I


    2i Portable Photometer
    Printable Specification SheetDescriptionThe most advanced, innovative and user friendly digital aerosol photometer available today, the ATI 2i is portable, yet rugged, and the ideal instrument for in-situ filtration system integrity testing. Utilizing the iProbe provides full functionality away from the base unit, minimizing downtime and maximizing efforts in the field.The 2i is also available with a sealed sample train for use in nuclear and other hazardous environments.
    Innovative User InterfaceThe 2i base instrument’s 4.3” Liquid Crystal Display gives life to the easy to use, menu driven interface. Aerosol measurements and pump sampling rates are prominently displayed for easy viewing.System parameters and selections such as alarm types, alarm set points and aerosol reagent are shown on the lower menu bar, while icons at the top of the screen give the status of connected peripherals, reporting functions, and aerosol noise suppression selections.iProbeThe iProbe acts as an extension of the base instrument through a nearly identical user interface. All status and selection icons from the base unit are represented on the iProbe. With the press of a button, the sampling location can be remotely selected and switched by way of an electronically controlled valving system.Data ReportingThree unique report functions are now available with the 2i through the USB or optional thermal printer interface.Continuous mode offers the same output as ATI’s legacy photometers to ensure backward compatibility.Monitoring mode provides the ability to collect data at user defined intervals for long term sampling.Summary mode, which gives discrete reporting capability for individual filter locations, can output to the thermal printer to meet customer documentation requirements. Performance GuaranteedTo ensure consistent results in all applications and altitudes, the sampling flow rate is constantly monitored and controlled via a pulse width modulated pump.The 2i has been independently tested and qualified to ensure compliance with all applicable electrical and safety requirements.Hazardous EnvironmentsDesigned for the rigors of nuclear and other hazardous applications, the 2i can be equipped with a unique, sealed sample train. The unit is engineered to allow safe removal and replacement of contaminated sampling components.Simple maintenanceAnnual NIST traceable calibration service is provided by ATI or an ATI-certified calibration facility. Calibration includes setting the aerosol reagent references, sample flow reference points, operating voltages, and servicing the light scattering chamber assembly. Routine preventative maintenance entails cleaning and inspection of internal sample tubing and connections, the internal reference filter, and iProbe.
    Enhanced FeaturesUpstream aerosol mass concentrations are displayed in actual mass concentration values of micrograms per liter (μg/l).User settable Aerosol Noise Suppression(ANS) allows for more stable aerosol measurements when poor mixing is present.
    2i Portable Photometer Specifications
    SIZE:10.1” W × 13.0” D × 6.0” H (25.7 cm × 33.0 cm × 15.2 cm)WEIGHT: Base unit – 19.0lbs (8.6Kg), Ensemble - 48lbs (21.8Kg)POWER: Voltage:100 to 250 Volts AC, 50/60Hz automatic adjustment, Consumption: 0.5 amps @ 120V, 0.25 amps @ 240VAUTO ZERO: Automatically establishes zero reading at startupALARM:User selectable audible, visual, and vibratory alarms notify the user when the user defined set point is exceeded.FLOW CONTROL:Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control ensures sampling rate of 1cfm (28.3lpm) +/- 10% in all applications.REAGENT SETTINGS:PAO-4, DOP, Ondina, PEG, Krydol, Corn Oil, Mineral Oil, ParaffinDYNAMIC RANGE:Up to 600 micrograms per literSENSITIVITY:1% of readings for readings between 0.01% to**REPEATABILITY:0.5% of readings for readings between 0.01% to **LIGHT SOURCE:Solid State, rated for life of instrumentDATA OUTPUT:USB ConnectionREPORTING:Continuous, Summary, and Monitoring modesPRINTER ACCESSORY:Thermal Printer for hard copy of Summary Report, dedicated port
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